Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Hidden Skype smileys

Skype has released a new version where the have removed some secret Skype smileys. The hidden skype smileys there has been removed is (blackwidow), (bucky), (captain), (nickfury) and (shielddeflect) .Furthermore Skype removed the very popular shortcode (finger), (fubar), (wtf),and (hollest) due to the fact that these icons had potential to upset some skype users. These hidden skype smileys doesn’t exist no longer in the latest Skype version.
Removed Skype smileys
The hidden Skype smileys is representing with a slightly more adult theme

The hidden Skype smileys is representing with a slightly more adult theme like smoking, swear, drinking etc. in contrast to the standard Skype smileys. Furthermore all the hidden Skype smileys are animated – it means that the smiley makes a movement.
The special with the hidden Skype smileys is that you can’t insert a hidden smiley in your chat using the icons above the box you type text in, because the hidden Skype smileys are not added to the list. But don’t worry! skypesmileyscodes.com will help you!
The hidden Skype smileys are used in the same way as the standard smileys. Just add a hidden smiley in your chat by typing the smiley code or copy/past the smiley code and then you will see it in action. You can see all the hidden Skype smileys in the charts below.
The smiley code for the hidden Skype smiley icon “brokenheart”, the first icon on the image list, is (brokenheart) or (u) or (U). Just type (brokenheart) and the icon will appear in your text.
brokenheart.png - Hidden Skype smileys= (brokenheart) or (u) or (U)
*Please note that it you don’t have the latest version of Skype installed they maybe don’t work properly.
The hidden Skype smileys codes is listet in the chart below.
For the curious who wondering over some of the secret Skype smileys and their meaning, here is a brief explanation.
priidu.png - Hidden Skype smileys= Priidu Zilmer, was Skype’s Visual Design Team leader.
wfh.png - Hidden Skype smileys= working from home

Secret Skype Smileys

Did you know that there exists two very secret Skype smileys?
Use the secret Skype smileys to make your personal chat a bit more fun and entertaining. To the left, in the sidebar you can find the two very secret Skype smileys.
You are more than welcome to post a comment if you have any questions. All comments will be answered as soon as possible.

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